
Peter Urban je spoluautorom kapitol  Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Amphibians (Lissamphibia),  Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Reptiles (Reptilia),  Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Mammals (Mammalia) a podieľal sa tiež na tvorbe kapitoly Draft List of Invasive Alien Species of the Carpathian Region.



Urban P. & Kautman J. (comp.) 2014: Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Amphibians (Lissamphibia). Pp.: 209-213. In: Kadlečík J. (ed.), Carpathian Red List of Forest Habitat and Species, Carpathian List of Invasive Alien Species (Draft). ŠOP SR,  Banská Bystrica, 234 pp. ISBN 978-80-89310-81-4.     

Urban P. & Kautman J. (comp.) 2014: Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Reptiles (Reptilia). Pp.: 214-216.  In: Kadlečík J. (ed.), Carpathian Red List of Forest Habitat and Species, Carpathian List of Invasive Alien Species (Draft). ŠOP SR,  Banská Bystrica, 234 pp. ISBN 978-80-89310-81-4. 

Urban P. & Uhrin M. (comp.) 2014: Draft Carpathian Red List of Threatened Mammals (Mammalia). Pp.: 221-227.  In: Kadlečík J. (ed.), Carpathian Red List of Forest Habitat and Species, Carpathian List of Invasive Alien Species (Draft). ŠOP SR,  Banská Bystrica, 234 pp. ISBN 978-80-89310-81-4. 

